Fisheye cameras have great coverage but can be a little disorienting if you don't dewarp the feed.
Right click on the video feed and hover over the Fisheye option. Then choose one of the dewarp modes.

Dewarp Mode
At first when you select dewarp mode, nothing really happens. But now you can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel and hold left click to pan around in the direction of the arrow cursor. The more you zoom in, the more it can dewarp. After zooming in and panning to the view I need, it can look like the following image.

When you select panorama, the camera feed will appear like the following image. You can also scroll in and out and pan around, but not in the same way as when you dewarp a camera.

Dual View
When you select dual view, the camera feed will appear like the following
image. You can also scroll in and out and pan around, but not in the
same way as when you dewarp a camera.